Title IX


Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is one of several federal laws that address discrimination issues. Many people think of Title IX only in the context of athletics, but athletics is just one of ten areas addressed by the law. Title IX requires colleges/universities that receive federal funds and financial assistance to prohibit discrimination based on gender in all aspects of their education programs and activities.

Incident Report

Policy & Training

View the Title IX Policy

Your Feedback is Important.

Please feel free to call, e-mail, schedule an office visit with us.

Meet Our Team

Title IX Coordinator

Daryl BrunerDaryl
Title IX Coordinator; Director of Training and Professional Development
E-mail: drbruner16@catawba.edu
Phone: 704.637.4175

As Catawba College's Title IX Coordinator, I am responsible for assisting with and coordinating the campus' efforts in education and prevention of policy violations, programming and training, and investigation of potential policy violations. I work closely with Student Affairs, Human Resources, Academic Affairs, and the President's Office. I strongly encourage you to share your ideas and suggestions with my Deputy Coordinator or me. 

Deputy Title IX Coordinators

Meredith Cole
Deputy Title IX Coordinator / Assistant Director of Human Resources
E-mail: mncole19@catawba.edu
Office: ADM 118
Phone: 704.637.4116 

Learie NurseLearie Nurse
Deputy Title IX Coordinator / Director of Student Conduct
E-mail: lnurse@catawba.edu
Office: Student Affairs 210-O
Phone: 704.637.4114 

There are other Title IX team members with responsibilities as needed. 

Related Content

Catawba's Non-Discrimination Policy